Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Thesis!

Macbeth did not have to to do anything bad but he chose to kill so many innocent people, because Macbeth's ambition makes him a villain.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

OMG! It's Over!!http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=7695801912172261051&postID=3103445893367762281

Macduff has come into the castle and he and Macbeth have come into a duel... Macduff and Macbeth fight until Macduff stabs him and chops his head off. Then Macduff holds Macbeth 's head up in the air on the end of his sword. Saying that " I see thee compassed with thy kingdom's pearl, The usurper's cursèd head. The time is free. That speak my salutation in their minds," Macduff is saying that he is holding up Macbeth's head because macbeth was a villain and dexerved to die and a will agree to that staement.
Then he say's to Malcolm that Malcolm is now the king of Scotland. Malcolm names all men that helped to come over Macbeth Earls of Scotland.
"We shall not spend a large expense of time Before we reckon with your several loves And make us even with you. My thanes and kinsmen, Henceforth be earls, the first that ever Scotland In such an honor named. What's more to do, Which would be planted newly with the time, As calling home our exiled friends abroad That fled the snares of watchful tyranny, Producing forth the cruel ministers..." Malcom is nameing all men who hepled slay macbeth the fist ever earls of Scotland.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Uh Oh!!!

Macduff Went to England to find Malcolm and get an army ready to ambush Macbeth and his home.
Meanwhile... back in scotland Macbeth is talking and they hear a scream they run to were it came from and find Lady Macbeth Dead on the ground. Macduff has come back and he is with Malcom and he is with many other men.
A servant has told Macbeth that trees are walking up Dunsinane Hill and he is worried that the prophecies are coming true again.
Will Macbeth win the fight.

Find out soon....

What Is He Thinking!!

Macbeth hired some men to attack Macduff's castle because he knew that Macduff was his enemy and he was out of the country. So this would be a good chance to go after every thing that Macduff loves.
So the men went and killed every one and then burnt the place down.
When Macduff got back he was so angry and he knew exactly who killed his family and servants.

what do you think will happen....

Macbeth Has Just Gone Nuts!

Why would Macbeth do this?.....
Macbeth went to see the witches to see if they had any more prophecies and he saw four of them again.
  1. Macbeth must always beware of Macduff because they are enemies.
  2. No person of woman born can harm Macbeth, although Macduff was born in a c-section.
  3. Macbeth will only be taken over if trees begin to go up Dunsinane Hill.
  4. Banquo's Descendants will be king.
What do you think will happen next... Stay Connected

Friday, December 5, 2008

Who could of done this?

Duncan has been found dead. Macbeth just killed the chamberlain's and blamed it all on them. Will they believe it... Duncan's son's ran off scared to death. Macbeth has gone to scone and is now the new king of Scotland with Lady Macbeth as queen.
Macbeth is worried about the last prophecy about the witches(Banquos son will become king).
All he believes is that Fleance will take it from him and that just can't happen so he hires two men to kill off Banquo and his son Fleance. "Come, night, and blindfold the kindhearted day. Use your bloody and invisible hand to tear up Banquo's lease on life, which keeps me in fear." This quote is saying that Macbeth wants Banquo dead tonight and he'll do anything to keep the throne.
Now Banquo is dead but were is Fleance...
Gone he rode his horse far away and Macbeth is not happy. Because that prophecy may just come true because if the first three did then why not the fourth as well.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Will it finally happen.

Lady Macbeth has finally found the perfect plan but will it work... Duncan is now at the castle they have had a dinner party and now every one is asleep besides Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Lady Macbeth has done her job the chamberlains are drunk and out like a light. Now all Macbeth has to do is not screw any thing up... as he heads to the kings chamber and he sees a dagger in the air straight in front of him " Is this a dagger I see in front of me, with its handle pointing toward my hand? Come, let me hold you. I don't have you but I can still see you. Fateful apparition, isn't it possible to touch you as well as see you? Or are you nothing more than a dagger created by the mind, a hallucination from my fevered brain?"... as he walks into the chamber the two chamberlains on the floor beside them their daggers. King duncan is lying peacfully...

Will macbeth do it find out next time...